A blog exploring the intersection of technology, gaming, and nature.

  • For the Love of Gulls! A Celebration of Dundee’s Urban Wildlife

    For the Love of Gulls! A Celebration of Dundee’s Urban Wildlife

    Through RSPB Scotland’s Wild Dundee “Arrivals and Departures” project, led by project manager Hope Busak in partnership with ScotRail and delivered by ScrapAntics, New Scots families and local community members were given the opportunity to connect with nature through a series of creative and educational workshops.

    In For the love of gulls, we delved into the fascinating world of urban gulls and their role in city ecosystems. Participants explored how these adaptable birds interact with human environments, from scavenging food waste to the unintended consequences of littering.

    As an RSPB Scotland volunteer, I had the privilege in taking part in delivering the final session, bringing in playful elements inspired by my interest in game design and passion for wildlife to make learning about gulls more engaging.

    In For the Love of Gulls, participants explored the fascinating world of urban gulls and their role in city ecosystems. Through movement, storytelling, and hands-on activities, participants learned to identify common gull species in Dundee while exploring how these adaptable birds interact with human environments – from scavenging food waste to the unintended consequences of littering.

    On Saturday, 1st February, the experience culminated in a spectacular feathered parade outside The McManus museum. The celebration brought typical gull behaviours to life, with swooping, long-calling, worm-charming, and a lively scramble for oversized foam chips!

    With an impressive Gloria the gull puppet courtesy of How It Felt, “For the <3 of Gulls” placard from Dundee street artist C.Gul, whimsical costumes, gull-themed props, and a lively musical duo, Mark and Seth, performing an ode to gulls, the event captured the drama and charisma of these city-dwelling birds in full spectacle.

    Being part of For the Love of Gulls was an incredibly rewarding experience. The energy on the day was infectious – laughter, excitement, and a real sense of pride as the children showcased what they had been working on. The children fully embraced their roles bringing gull behaviours to life in a way that was both playful and eye-opening. It was wonderful to see how much ownership they took over their performances and costumes, eager to share their newfound appreciation for these city birds. Even volunteers and

    Even members of the public, along with staff and volunteers, couldn’t help but stop and smile. The event wasn’t just about fun – it was a reminder that nature is all around us, even in the heart of the city, waiting to be noticed and celebrated. Through creative learning and community engagement, we can inspire positive change and foster lasting connections between people and wildlife.

    If you are interested in seeing how else I’ve been involved as a volunteer with RSPB Scotland, check out this video on YouTube: Find out how RSPB Scotland is working with communities in Dundee

  • Embracing AI for bird calls in this year’s Big Garden Bird Watch

    In recent years, I’ve become a regular participant in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, contributing my citizen science data to help track the UK’s garden birds. This year I took a different approach – relying not just on my eyes, but using BirdNET-Pi, which harnesses AI to identify bird calls from audio, creating a richer picture of the birds in my neighborhood.

    BirdNET-Pi is an open-source project available on GitHub designed to run on a Raspberry Pi, a small and affordable computer. After setting up BirdNET-Pi, I can easily access a comprehensive dashboard via a web browser, where I can explore detailed information about the birds identified in my area from a microphone I snaked out my window.

    The assembled Raspberry Pi 5 complete with Pibow case, active cooler and microphone attached to the USB port

    Whilst there are countless guides on how to set-up BirdNET-Pi, I thought I’d share the details of my configuration.

    The kit:

    • Raspberry Pi 5 (4GB model is fine, however I opted for 16GB)
    • Raspberry Pi 5 Active Cooler. To take the heat off crunching those chirps!
    • Raspberry Pi 5 USB-C power supply
    • Pibow Raspberry Pi 5 case. Because it looks pretty cool and nicely fits around the active cooler.
    • SD card (for the OS image with ample capacity to store audio data – I purchased 128GB).
    • USB microphone (I purchased a Movo M1 USB Lavalier microphone, a relatively inexpensive option).
    Unboxing the Pi 5 – stage 1
    Unboxing the Pi 5 – stage 2

    The specific assembly instructions for the Pibow for Rasperry Pi 5 can be found at https://learn.pimoroni.com/article/building-your-pibow-5. The peripherals for Pi 5 can easily be swapped out for Raspberry Pi 4 (with the associated case, power supply and active cooler for 4).

    I’m going to skip straight to BirdNET-pi, as there are guides aplenty on how to set-up Rasperry Pi. However the official guide was enough to get up and running: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/getting-started.html.

    I installed BirdNET-Pi from a particular fork to ensure compatibility with the Raspberry Pi 5, which runs on the Debian Bookworm OS: https://github.com/Nachtzuster/BirdNET-Pi

    The installation worked without a hitch, perhaps a moments delay before the data began to flow in and I was able to locate my installation on my local network under birdnetpi.local.

    BirdNET-pi has support for Apprise – a notification library that can be configured under via the Settings menu. For example, I subscribed to MQTT (a type of message broker) to join a community network of BirdNET-Pi devices in my locality, enabling us to share bird detection data and collaborate on monitoring local bird populations.

    BirdNET-pi in action!

    So how about the Big Garden Bird Watch results? Herring Gulls, House Sparrows and Starlings amongst the most numerous detections were of no surprise. Undetected by BirdNET-pi were my more silent avian neighbours, a flock of Feral Pigeons and a pair Carrion Crows. However a couple of detections BirdNET-pi made irrespective of what I saw included the Eurasian Oystercatcher, Dunlin and Common Goldeneye. Oystercatchers and dunlins are regulars in my neighborhood, but I’ve never spotted a Goldeneye -though the audio recording sounded legit! And my most counted bird? The feral pigeon!

    Not only was this is a novel way for doing the Big Garden Bird Watch this year, the motivation to get my own kit came after learning about the Dundee Bionet, a network of acoustic bird detectors spread across green spaces and community gardens in Dundee.

    This is only just the beginning of my foray into bird audio data – stay tuned for what projects take flight next!

  • AWS serverless in 2024 : SAM, Lambda, API gateway, DynamoDB Cognito and OpenAPI standard


    In 2024, an AWS serverless architecture continues to be a popular choice for building scalable and cost-effective applications. With a service stack using SAM (AWS Serverless Application Model), AWS Lambda,  API Gateway, DynamoDB, Cognito, and OpenAPI standard; developers can create serverless solutions with ease. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up a project with these AWS serverless components. dotnet 6 was the chosen Lambda runtime.

    This example was developed as an example game back-end, however this architecture can apply to a number of real-world scenarios including web applications.

    To summarise the chosen the role of the services in the chosen stack:

    1. SAM (AWS Serverless Application Model): A framework to simplify serverless application development that serves as an extension of CloudFormation.
    2. AWS Lambda: Implement business logic with serverless functions.
    3. API Gateway: Create APIs to enable back-end communication.
    4. DynamoDB: Store application/game data.
    5. Cognito: Managed service for authentication and authorisation.
    6. OpenAPI standard: Declarative syntax for creating clear and consistent APIs to be shared amongst developers.

    Part 1 – Initial Setup:

    1. Install AWS CLI and Setup with AWS SSO:
    •    Install the AWS CLI, which allows you to interact with AWS services from the command line.
    •    Set up AWS Single Sign-On (SSO) and use the aws sso login command to refresh your credentials.
    1. Install SAM and Docker Desktop:
    •    Install the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI, which provides a simplified way to build, test, and deploy serverless applications.
    •    Install Docker Desktop, as it is required for running functions locally.
    1. Create a SAM Project:
    •    Use the command sam init to create a new SAM project.
    •    Choose the AWS Quick Start Templates and select the Hello World Example.
    •    When prompted, I selected dotnet6 as the desired runtime.
    •    When prompted, select the desired package type (I used zip in this example).
    •    Change to the project directory using cd proj-name and launch VS Code with code ..
    1. Build and Test:
    •    Execute the command sam build to build the project.
    •    Test the project locally using sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction.
    1. Deploy:
    •    Deploy the project using sam deploy –guided.
    •    Review the changes to be deployed and confirm by typing ‘y‘.
    •    You can review the deployment in the AWS Management Console under CloudFormation.


    Part 2 – Modifying the Example SAM Template Project:

    1. Add OpenAPI to the SAM Project:
    •    If you already have an API definition, copy the YAML file into the SAM project.
    •    In the example project, delete the Events block in the HelloWorldFunction section.
    1. Add OpenAPI Definitions:
    •    Add the OpenAPI definitions for the /hello route to the SAM template.
    •    Include the necessary information such as the operationId, responses, and integration details.
    •    Pay attention to the x-amazon-apigateway-integration block.
    1. Add API Resource:
    •    Define the HttpAPI resource in the SAM template.
    •    Specify the AccessLogSettings and DefinitionBody using the Fn::Transform and AWS::Include.
    1. Build and Test the API:
    •    Start the API locally using sam local start-api.
    •    Verify that the HelloWorldFunction is mounted at [GET].
    1. Add Permissions:
    •    Grant the necessary permissions to the HelloWorldFunction using the AWS::Lambda::Permission resource in the SAM template.
    1. Rebuild and Deploy:
    • Rebuild the project using sam build.

    Deploy the changes using sam deploy –guided.

    1. Test with Curl or Postman:
    •    Test the API by sending requests to the deployed endpoint using tools like Curl or Postman.


    Adding New Lambda Functions:

    1. Create Empty Constructor:
    •   To add additional functions to the same class file, create an empty constructor in the class.
    1. Add New Function Block to the Template:
    •    Add a new function block to the SAM template for each additional function.
    •    Specify the CodeUri, Handler, Runtime, MemorySize, Environment variables, and any required policies.


    Adding Authentication with Cognito:

    1. Create Cognito User in the Template:
    •    Add a parameter for the email address of the created user in the SAM template.
    •    Include a UserPoolUser resource with the desired properties.
    1. Deploy with Parameter Override:
    •    Deploy the template with the CognitoUserEmail parameter override using sam deploy –parameter-overrides CognitoUserEmail=email@example.com.
    •    This will email a password to the user specified in the parameter.
    1. Initiate Auth Response and Obtain IdToken:
    •    Use the AWS CLI command aws cognito-idp admin-initiate-auth to get the session token.
    •    Respond to the challenge to change the password and obtain the IdToken.
    1. Test Authentication:
    •    Use the obtained IdToken to make authenticated requests to the API using tools like Curl.


    Adding DynamoDB Integration to Lambda:

    1. Install Required Packages:
    •    Install the AWSSDK.SSO, AWSSDK.SSOOIDC, and AWSSDK.SecurityToken packages (required for local development).
    1. Batch Writing Data to DynamoDB:
    •    Convert JSON data to DynamoDB format using the aws dynamodb batch-write-item command.



    By leveraging a serverless stack of SAM, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, Cognito, and the OpenAPI standard you can enjoy the benefits of serverless computing in reduced operational overhead, automatic scaling and pay-as-you-go pricing, allowing you to focus more on innovation and less on infrastructure management.