Tag: birdnet-pi

  • Embracing AI for bird calls in this year’s Big Garden Bird Watch

    In recent years, I’ve become a regular participant in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, contributing my citizen science data to help track the UK’s garden birds. This year I took a different approach – relying not just on my eyes, but using BirdNET-Pi, which harnesses AI to identify bird calls from audio, creating a richer picture of the birds in my neighborhood.

    BirdNET-Pi is an open-source project available on GitHub designed to run on a Raspberry Pi, a small and affordable computer. After setting up BirdNET-Pi, I can easily access a comprehensive dashboard via a web browser, where I can explore detailed information about the birds identified in my area from a microphone I snaked out my window.

    The assembled Raspberry Pi 5 complete with Pibow case, active cooler and microphone attached to the USB port

    Whilst there are countless guides on how to set-up BirdNET-Pi, I thought I’d share the details of my configuration.

    The kit:

    • Raspberry Pi 5 (4GB model is fine, however I opted for 16GB)
    • Raspberry Pi 5 Active Cooler. To take the heat off crunching those chirps!
    • Raspberry Pi 5 USB-C power supply
    • Pibow Raspberry Pi 5 case. Because it looks pretty cool and nicely fits around the active cooler.
    • SD card (for the OS image with ample capacity to store audio data – I purchased 128GB).
    • USB microphone (I purchased a Movo M1 USB Lavalier microphone, a relatively inexpensive option).
    Unboxing the Pi 5 – stage 1
    Unboxing the Pi 5 – stage 2

    The specific assembly instructions for the Pibow for Rasperry Pi 5 can be found at https://learn.pimoroni.com/article/building-your-pibow-5. The peripherals for Pi 5 can easily be swapped out for Raspberry Pi 4 (with the associated case, power supply and active cooler for 4).

    I’m going to skip straight to BirdNET-pi, as there are guides aplenty on how to set-up Rasperry Pi. However the official guide was enough to get up and running: https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentation/computers/getting-started.html.

    I installed BirdNET-Pi from a particular fork to ensure compatibility with the Raspberry Pi 5, which runs on the Debian Bookworm OS: https://github.com/Nachtzuster/BirdNET-Pi

    The installation worked without a hitch, perhaps a moments delay before the data began to flow in and I was able to locate my installation on my local network under birdnetpi.local.

    BirdNET-pi has support for Apprise – a notification library that can be configured under via the Settings menu. For example, I subscribed to MQTT (a type of message broker) to join a community network of BirdNET-Pi devices in my locality, enabling us to share bird detection data and collaborate on monitoring local bird populations.

    BirdNET-pi in action!

    So how about the Big Garden Bird Watch results? Herring Gulls, House Sparrows and Starlings amongst the most numerous detections were of no surprise. Undetected by BirdNET-pi were my more silent avian neighbours, a flock of Feral Pigeons and a pair Carrion Crows. However a couple of detections BirdNET-pi made irrespective of what I saw included the Eurasian Oystercatcher, Dunlin and Common Goldeneye. Oystercatchers and dunlins are regulars in my neighborhood, but I’ve never spotted a Goldeneye -though the audio recording sounded legit! And my most counted bird? The feral pigeon!

    Not only was this is a novel way for doing the Big Garden Bird Watch this year, the motivation to get my own kit came after learning about the Dundee Bionet, a network of acoustic bird detectors spread across green spaces and community gardens in Dundee.

    This is only just the beginning of my foray into bird audio data – stay tuned for what projects take flight next!